Welcome to Sodo Market App

Here we are to serve you

Fast Delivery

The system Provide you deliver any product you want and it save your time as long as order placed we will deliver around 2-3 hours.


Sodo Market App aims to provide a seamless and convenient shopping experience for users, allowing them to explore a wide range of products and make purchases from shop in the comfort of their devices.

Network Issue

We are dedicated to provide all product information when you connect to internet.

Secure in every way

The system uses an encryption algorithm engineered by the system developers to create a secure platform in every aspect.

How to Get Service

You might want to check out the way we give service if you have any inquiries you haven't figured out about us yet please contact us

  • Sign in to your account if you have no account yet you need to register.

  • Find the item you want and search to specific shop or item . When you find an item you want, click on it. Review the item, and click Add to Cart.

  • If items in cart is the only thing you want to buy, click Proceed to Checkout.

  • Select your shipping address if you already have if not Enter a new shipping address and click proceed.

  • Choose a payment method and Click Place Your Order.


Below we provided the contact informations like location, email and phone number. In case you want to come by or if you needed to visit the our office, the following map will guide you.